Monday, May 16, 2011

"Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid

In the poem "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid, it seems as if a mother is talking to her young daughter, teaching her all the things she was taught as a young girl. In the quote "this is how you hem a dress when you see the hem coming down and to prevent yourself from looking like the slut you are so bent on becoming" it is obvious the mother is very conservative, and arguably old fashioned because she believes that if her daughters hem were to come down, men will perceive her as a slut. This incident could happen and I'm sure has happened to many girls but nowadays less clothing has almost become the norm these days for many young girls and women. Whether we like it or not, the media, television, music, and magazines have sort of brain washed/convinced many young girls that short shorts and low-cut tops are what's in style. I think it's a persons perogative to dress however they like. If a grown woman wants to wear a short dress or a low cut shirt she should be able to but she's also taking her chances of getting judged, people having pre-conceived notions about her, and also harsh words against her. I don't agree with everything this poem saying but I do like the whole idea of a mother teaching her young daughter to grow up to be a smart and respectable woman. It's important for young girls to have a good role model to look up to and imitate as they mature. I am definitely fortunenate to have a great role model who I love and look up to. I have a lot of respect for my mother, she's a very smart woman and she has taught me a lot over the years. Over all I think this poem sends a positive message, it's just a mother teaching her daughter right from wrong and bringing her up to be a strong and independent woman.

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